Blogtober Challenge 4: Tick tock, Life Runs Out

Who would have know that I can survive four days of this blogging challenge. The question for today is “What is left on your bucket list?”

Lucky for me, I just had written an official bucket list of mine a few months ago. I always thought that lists like that and New Year resolutions are something that should not only be put in paper. I had no plans of making any bucket lists. That was before the time that I could see that I will not accomplish anything “bucket list” worthy. My perception started to change when I was already on my first job. Funny how the feeling of working hard, earning money, and providing for the family can change a person. Next that I knew, I had this feeling that I could accomplish anything. I had received this hope that I could actually amount to something. This is my hope of living a life well-spent. So, I decided to write my initial bucket list a few months back. Who knows? I might add some more. I thought that it was about time.

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