Blogtober Challenge 4: Tick tock, Life Runs Out

Who would have know that I can survive four days of this blogging challenge. The question for today is “What is left on your bucket list?”

Lucky for me, I just had written an official bucket list of mine a few months ago. I always thought that lists like that and New Year resolutions are something that should not only be put in paper. I had no plans of making any bucket lists. That was before the time that I could see that I will not accomplish anything “bucket list” worthy. My perception started to change when I was already on my first job. Funny how the feeling of working hard, earning money, and providing for the family can change a person. Next that I knew, I had this feeling that I could accomplish anything. I had received this hope that I could actually amount to something. This is my hope of living a life well-spent. So, I decided to write my initial bucket list a few months back. Who knows? I might add some more. I thought that it was about time.

Go into a backpacker’s journey

I am an employed flight attendant. One could say that I’m being paid to travel. Yet, I somehow crave to get out of the usual comfort of staying at a hotel room, eating complimentary breakfast, and then leaving the room key. I want to travel from an explorer’s point of view. I want to focus more on the itinerary than the accommodation. I believe that it gives me the opportunity to see things in a different light.

Publish a book

Ever since I learned how to write, I had this great urge to publish something. I feel that nothing could fill the exhilaration of  having the ideas that you have on your head printed into paper and spread into the physical world.

Get muscles

Yeah, I dream to get fit. I don’t need the bulk. I just wish for the silhouette of a muscular form.

Meet Tom Hiddleston

This may sound like a typical fangirl thing. I am not to deny. I am a fan. That is not the reason why I want to meet him. I have been fans of several celebrities but I was never as zealous to actually meet them. I just wish to thank Mr. Hiddleston. He is one of the main reasons as to why and how I discovered my talent for writing. I would have not experienced this kind of bliss without him.

Sell my art

It is like an affirmation for me that it is good enough. Art is dangerously visual. Once seen and appreciated, it could be forgotten. For one to purchase my art is one of the greatest compliments that I could ever receive.

Learn a new language

I always wanted to. It is not only because it is a cool skill but also it somehow makes the world smaller when we could all understand each other. As of now, I understand a bit of Spanish and lesser of Nihonggo aside from being fluent in English and Filipino.

Go on a cruise

Since I have been in a plane all the time, I wanted to experience by boat. There is a romantic appeal to me that I could travel to different places alone, thrive in a world by the sea, and meet new things and people to treasure in a lifetime. imagine the stories that I could write.

Help in a foundation

I was not aiming for financial support. I was thinking more of money. The money that you donated can be replaced but the time and effort that you exert in helping cannot.


I always dreamed myself of having my name written at the end credits of any media production. I always wistfully thought of being an actress. Unfortunately, I am not even certain that I have an acting bone in my body.

Finish writing a planner

Writing and filling up a planner takes a lot of commitment. It is something that reminds me that I can persevere, commit, and pursue any goal if I so wished to.

Own a business

It is something that I can pass down to my family and have a steady income to support them with.

Get married

This is one of my adult fears. I fear that I will never get married. I am afraid of growing up alone and unwanted. I am afraid of never having children.

Climb a mountain

Who does not want to be on top of the world?

Help a total stranger

Apparently, a movie exists about two men fulfilling their bucket lists. This item is also on one of the men’s list. it led him to his greatest friend. Sometimes, amazing things happen at the unexpected and unforeseen places.

As of now, I have just ticked off the “Climb a mountain” item. I successfully conquered the Stairmaster at Grouse Mountain. It was one of the best experiences ever. And Grouse mountain is something that I will never climb again unless via cable car.

Have you already started on your bucket list?

15 thoughts on “Blogtober Challenge 4: Tick tock, Life Runs Out

  1. Your list is such a reflection of what you’ve written so far in the previous challenges. hahaha, I too only know a few phrases and words in Nihonggo there used to be a Japanese channel on Sky but its gone now, learnt so much! good luck with crossing off that list. x

    Liked by 1 person

    • I only learned a bit of Nihonggo from watching too much anime when I was younger and 25% of the flights that I work go to Japan so I am surrounded by Japanese all the time. Also, I used to be an online English tutor to the Japanese before I became a flight attendant.


  2. Wow! The one you’ve achieved is climbing a mountain. That’s amazing. If you can do that, you can do anything, I think.
    Good luck – I reckon that the planner might be a good place to start.
    Sophie x


  3. Pingback: Reaching For The Star: The Liebster Award | Struggling to be a Human Being

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